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What a funny name for production company ! So what...

That's the exact meaning for our philosophy of work, way of life : « zen ». Here's for the name. So now, what's this company ?

A production one, as its name reveales it ! In the artistic environment, precisely in the musical sphere….. Desire grown and the occasion rose to create our own company to produce the music we appreciate, we feel, even if this one doesn't exactly reply to the "standard" of marketing...

We have the chance to be familiar with a very amazing musician, charming and so well inspired composer whose musical universe without compromise - to a style or a mood- allures us since years. At the beginning it's rather a project, which is mutated into desire, and then that becomes a challenge.

C.ZEN PROD is thus a production company currently for  Francis Rimbert, but not only. Many projects are actually being examined to produce some other artists, and concerts,  musics for movies, commercials ads…. as well.

Where can you find our products ? Distribution

So, we will obviously be pleased to receive your mp3, or CDs.  C.ZEN PROD it is also the DVD production (Concerts, musical fairy-tales, events …) .

Indeed, C.ZEN PROD is the promotion of our artists and products with in particular  vinyls or untraceable albums which will be re-launched.

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©C.ZEN PROD 2009
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